Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new chapter in the ongoing development
of technological tools that promise to transform the processes of
creative work and artistic production. Now is the time to reconsider the
relation of art and AI in practice, its aesthetic potential and to
actively participate in and shape the transition and development of
artistic and technological professions in the field of AI and music.
The symposium brings together experienced artists, practitioners,
researchers and engineers who have been known for crossing over between
composition, production, design and performance, engineering and
development. The event addresses questions related to the agency of
data, AI ethics, performance, and perception.
The symposium organisers hope to provide context from which to approach and make even more
sense of the new and revolutionary tools bleeding edge research places at
our fingertips.
"Deconstructing data: the compositional process as critical inquiry"
Artemi Gioti (University College London, UK)
"Creative Dialectics: Playing with Intelligent Instruments"
Thor Magnusson (University of Sussex, UK)
Full Program and registration: