shreds by Gerard Roma and Anna Xambó @ ICLI2022 and WAC2022


Pulso performing shreds at the Web Audio Conference 2022, Cannes, France. Photo by Ariane Stolfi.
shreds is a collaborative live coding performance by electronic music duo Pulso (Gerard Roma and Anna Xambó). In this performance, the duo uses a self-built live-coding environment in JavaScript that shows two code editors, one for each performer. The piece has been presented online at the International Conference on Live Interfaces (ICLI 2022, June 20-23) in Lisboa, Portugal, and on-site at the Web Audio Conference (WAC 2022, 6-8 July) in Cannes, France. 

The performance presented at ICLI 2022 can be watched on YouTube. Further information about the performance can be found in this performance paper on De Montfort Open Research Archive: