Bret Battey and Deniz Ertan (musicologist, educator and classical guitarist) have co-created a new audiovisual installation, ‘time, bruised, selves’, which is opening to the public at Leicester’s Phoenix Cinema and Gallery on Friday, Dec 6. It will run until late March. Continually transforming, ultra-detailed abstract imagery dances within a
classical guitar sound world. The work is inspired by the perpetual
procession of three intertwined states of being, as evoked by the title.
Also for the Phoenix gallery, Battey has curated a retrospective selection of films from the ten episodes of ‘Visible Bits, Audible Bytes’ that MTI has presented at Phoenix since 2010, bringing extraordinary digital audiovisual artworks from around the world to Leicester audiences. One reel focuses on audiovisual compositions from Montreal, and the other on works that blur the line between the abstract and the concrete. This retrospective opens with and runs in parallel with ‘time, bruised, selves’.