Prof Landy: Visiting Professor at Cape Town / Bowed Electrons Festival

Professor Leigh Landy will visit the University of Cape Town’s South African College of Music between 23 August and 2 September, first as Visiting Professor and then as the focus of the Bowed Electrons 2024 festival. After teaching students in composition and music technology, he will present several talks on his work as composer and as scholar at BE24 and present two full-length concerts of his works the climax of which will be the premiere performance of his latest work, Musical Bow Old / New, made in close collaboration with master musician, Dizu Plaatjies. The musical bow is the oldest non-percussion instrument on the African continent, derived from the hunting bow. The work celebrates how something ancient can remain dynamic and relevant across time and cultures. It consists solely of samples of Plaatjies playing different musical bows and some stories about the instrument and involves him playing live as well as eight channels of surround sound creating an immersive and intimate musical bow environment. UCT/SACM is a partner of DMU’s Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre.