Sights and Sounds from the Spatial Audio Gathering

The two-day Spatial Audio Gathering was held at DMU on 17-18 June, organised by the Midlands4Cities doctoral cohort and supported by the M4C Doctoral Training Partnership, which is funded by The Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The event was led and programmed by M4C students Stefano Catena (DMU) and Teddy Hunter (University of Birmingham) with Ian Corkhill (DMU) and Enrico Dorigatti (University of Portsmouth).

The event hosted 29 spatial audio and audiovisual works, six papers with a round table discussion and keynote talks by five leading composers working with spatial music: Annie Mahtani (University of Birmingham), Simon Emmerson (DMU), Brona Martin (University of Greenwich) and Henrik Frisk (Kungliga Musikhögskolan, Stockholm) and Nikos Stavropoulos (Leeds Beckett University).

Participants listen to the IKO 3D audio speaker

Dr Annie Mahtani's keynote talk

Simon Emmerson Keynote - Imagining space and place through sound and music

Tim Cooper: Labyrinth (Lucia Capellaro, baroque cello)

Cameron Naylor: Here One Moment

Wei Yang: ... couloirs (binaural)