Prof. Leigh Landy Performance in Kuala Lumpur

As part of the Spectra concert series, Leigh Landy’s 8-channel composition, ‘E Pluribus Plures’, was performed on 11 November 2024 at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, Malaysia. This work, which recomposes traditional music around the globe, is a celebration of cultural diversity and a warning about several non-commercial folk traditions that are under threat of extinction. He was the only non-Asian composer on the programme.


Prof. Leigh Landy appointed as Visiting Professor at the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece


As of December 2024, Prof. Leigh Landy has been appointed Visiting Professor at the ERHMEE research centre at the Ionian University in Corfu. ERHMEE has been a partner of the MTI Research Centre for ca. 15 years and this appointment is a celebration of our excellent relationship.